- class specless.inference.timed_partial_order.TPOInferenceAlgorithm(heuristic: str = 'order', decimals: int = 2, threshold: float = 0.5)[source]
The inference algorithm for inferring a TPO from a list of TimedTraces.
- Parameters:
InferenceAlgorithm (_type_) – _description_
Compute min and max time boudn for each event
Compute min and max time boudn for each event
Compute a Reachability order of a graph
Infer a Timed Partial Order (TPO) from a list of timed traces
Infer Time Bounds on Nodes and Edges given Partial Order.
Load a abbadingo-style data file Files start from (#dataset, #symbols) following a list of (#neg/pos{0,1} #datalength, data)
Select next_edge_iter function
Select a Post Processing Function
- static get_event_bounds(traces: List[List[Tuple[Set[str], float]]], partial_order: Dict[str, List[str]] | None = None) Dict[str, Tuple[float, float]] [source]
Compute min and max time boudn for each event
- static get_event_pair_bounds(traces: List[List[Tuple[Set[str], float]]], partial_order: Dict[str, List[str]] | None = None) Dict[Tuple[str, str], Tuple[float, float]] [source]
Compute min and max time boudn for each event
- static get_reachability_order(graph: DiGraph, init_node: str, forward: bool = True) List [source]
Compute a Reachability order of a graph
- infer(dataset: List[List[Tuple[float, str]]]) Specification | Exception [source]
Infer a Timed Partial Order (TPO) from a list of timed traces
- Implementation in detail:
- For each symbol, we keep all possible
- forward constraints,
ex.) symbol < next_symbol,
- backward constraints,
ex.) prev_symbol < symbol.
2. If there is a hard constraint in the order, there should NEVER be a same symbol in forward constraints and backwards constraints. Thus, linear constraints = forward_constraints - backward_constraints.
We construct a graph based on the linear constraints.
- Parameters:
dataset (Dataset) – Timed Trace Data
- Returns:
Timed Partial Order
- Return type:
- infer_time_constraints(traces: List[List[Tuple[Set[str], float]]], po: PartialOrder, partial_order: Dict[str, List[str]], debug: bool = False, decimals: int | None = None, threshold: float | None = None) Tuple [source]
Infer Time Bounds on Nodes and Edges given Partial Order.
Optimization Problem:
\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}min c x\ s.t.\ A x <= b\\variables: tau_ei: Time Variable at Event i values: t_ei: Time at Event i from data T_ei: Times at Event i for all traces, i.e., T_ei = [t_ei, ...]\end{aligned}\end{align} \]\[min: \sum (u_eij - l_eij) + \sum (u_ei - l_eij)\ s.t.)\ tau_e1 >= max(0, min(T_e1)) => -tau_e1 <= -min)\ tau_e1 <= max(T_e1))\ ...)\ tau_e2 - tau_e1 >= max(0, min(T_e2-T_e1)) => -(tau_e2 - tau_e1) <= -min)\ tau_e2 - tau_e1 <= max(T_e2-T_e1))\ ...\]- Thus,
num_variable = num_event num_constraint = 2*num_event + 2*num_pair
x.shape = (num_variable, 1) or simply vector x c.shape = (1, num_variable) or simply vector c^T A.shape = ((num_constraint) x (num_variable)) b.shape = (num_constraint, 1) or simply vector b
- static load_abbadingofile_as_timetraces()[source]
Load a abbadingo-style data file Files start from (#dataset, #symbols) following a list of (#neg/pos{0,1} #datalength, data)
For example, 4 2 1 10 a a a a a b b b b b 1 5 a a a a b 1 2 a b 1 10 a a a a a a a a a b
- Raises:
NotImplementedError – _description_
- select_next_edge_iterator(lp: Type[TimeConstraintsLP], po: PartialOrder, partial_order: Dict[str, List[str]]) Callable [source]
Select next_edge_iter function